Monday 7 March 2011

Scaloppine al limone recipe (Chicken

Ingredients (serves 4)

boneless chicken breasts
1 cup of flour
3 medium lemons, juiced
2 tablespoons unsalted butter


Remove skin and fat from chicken breasts. With a wooden mallet, flatten (and tenderize) chicken breasts. 

With a sharp knife, slit the breasts through the center, and cut in halves.  Coat the chicken in flour. 

In a heavy skillet, melt butter. Add prepared chicken breasts and cook on medium-high heat for about two minutes or until the chicken appears half cooked. Then add the lemon juice.  

Reduce heat to medium-low and complete cooking, about six minutes Remove breasts with a slotted spoon and serve immediately on a warmed platter.

Serve with mashed potatoes or green beans, and enjoy your meal!

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